Ceramic Clays can be dewatered by filter press machines work under pressure of 12 to 16 bar high pressure monopomps, piston pumps and air operated diaphgram pumps.

Ceramic clays are prepared in silo type tanks with the help of mixers which give homogenous minerals and mining soils mixture. Homogenous mixture is vital for further high pressure filtration of final sludge cake formed between polypropylene chamber plates covered with PPV material perfectly fit barrel neck cloths.


Ceramic Filter Press

As you can see from the picture; ceramic clay dewatering process line includes silo type tank with mixer, high pressure sludge pump, filter press and piping elements such as pipes, valves and fittings.


Main parts of the ceramic clay dewatering are
* Silo Tower Tanks
* High Pressure Pump
* Filter Press


Contrary to classical wastewater filter press Ceramic Filter Press works on high pressure from 12 bar up to 16 bar. Minimum moisture content is needed when using Filter press for ceramic clay or kaolin clay. This can be achieved by specially desinged filter press and high pressure pump.


Table-1 : Ceramic Filter Press for Sale Options

Model Plate No Cake Volume Cake Weight Automation Motor
CFP-C255 5 pcs 5 lt up to 10,25 kg No -
CFP-C510 10 pcs 50 lt up to 106 kg Semi 2,2 kW
CFP-C615 10 pcs 100 lt up to 212,50 kg Semi 3,0 kW
CFP-C620 20 pcs 200 lt up to 425 kg Semi 3,0 kW
CFP-C640 40 pcs 400 lt up to 850 kg Semi 3,0 kW
CFP-C840 40 pcs 720 lt up to 1530 kg Semi 4,0 kW
CFP-C860 60 pcs 1080 lt up to 2290 kg Semi 4,0 kW


Working Principle


Ceramic, porcelain or kaolin clay which is prepared according to certaion formula is mixed in silo tank tower with the help mixer. Supernatant water drainaged by gravity to second tank located near side of the reactor silo tank.


Also under the surface level concrete pools can be used to collect leakage water and excess water comes from this tower tank. Submersible or air operated pumps can be used to reuse these water.


Homogenously mixed and formulated clay or kaolin mixture transferred to high pressure pump for further filtration in filter press. This line should include a manuel valve and optinally electrically or pnömatik valve if automation is needed in the system.


Process control panel easily controls the open and close time of the automatic valve according to pressure on filter press-high pressure pump line. This pressure can be measured by a pressure swithc and this switch sends the signal to control board.


High pressure sludge pump which transfer clay mixture to filter press machine should be piston pump, monopomp, prestaltic pump or air operated diaphgram pump minimum 12 bar pressure to achive the lowest moisture content in final sludge cake.


Please check our video below to understand dryness effiency of the final formed sludge cake of formulated clay.


Then high pressure pump slurry sludge enters in the filter press.


This slurry is a combination of liquid and solid particles. Liquid water part goes through the specifically weaved PPV type polypropylene filter cloths covered on filter plates as barrel neck type stitched structure. And solid particles are captured on the filter cloths.


After certain time passes; particles amount between plates increase and this cause pressure increase inside the filter press equipment.


At the end of the process dryness rate reach the optimum level and clay filter press is ready to open and collect the sludge cakes.


Note: In some applications after slurry filtration, air supply is used to decrease moisture content inside the sludge cakes.


Finally sludge cakes are ready to send to vakuum filter to packed

Kaolin Filter Press

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